We focus on unrestricted compliance with Corporate Responsible Supply Policies by those who are related to the company based on principles of mutual trust.
Critical issues of sustainable management
Policies and standards that contribute to sustainable development:
HMC, through its Michilla and Tambo de Oro mines, complies with all national and international regulations and standards related to environmental, social, ethical, safety and transparency.
Supplier evaluation:
HMC seeks to assess – through external audits and evaluations requested to suppliers – the compliance of company policies and issues related to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG), to discover risks and related opportunities.
Local training, value and social development:
HMC is committed to assuring care for the environment through responsible production, training of suppliers, establishing dialogue possibilities, preventing damage to third parties and seeking to stay out of national or international conflict areas.
Human Rights:
HMC respects the human rights of all its workers and employees involved in the process, as well the communities we interact with. The company does not tolerate abuses or human rights violation, forced or compulsory work, child labor, discriminatory practices, neither violence nor harassment.
Continuous improvement:
HMC seeks to generate, with suppliers and contractor companies, transparent and participative dialogue spaces, to inform of all documents and policies in relation to respect, health, safety, environment and the grievance mechanism to repair violations to the Code of Ethic and Conduct.