Michilla´’s current production is 21,000 tons of copper cathodes per year as a result of open pit mineral exploitations and further crushing, agglomeration, solvent extraction and electro- winning processes (LX-SX-EW) in addition to the reprocessing of waste material.

Type of product

Electro-winning (SX-EW) copper cathodes, high purity, quality grade A.

Registered as MIC-P trademark on the London Metal Exchange.

ISO 9001 quality certification.

Product for export, mainly for copper cable production for electrical applications.


Copper production in the Michilla mine site is obtained largely from the reprocessing of waste material from old operations such as spent ore and waste dump piles. The use of ore sorting technology stands out as it allows an automated selection of rocks from old dumps in the Michilla mine site that still contain copper that can be reprocessed, thus contributing to a circular economy.

The productive processes in the mine site uses 100% of seawater, without desalination, and no type of waste is dumped into the ocean. We are the first mining company in Chile to operate in this way at an industrial level.

Use of natural gas in boilers, replacing diesel for heating.

Use of 100% electrical energy from renewable non-conventional sources.


Michilla mine site is located on the road to Tocopilla, km 110 (Route A-1), Mejillones commune, Antofagasta, Second Region.