We are committed to the integrity and well-being of people, together we guarantee a safe and calm environment.
We encourage mutual care and awareness in each activity, maintaining a culture that promotes active and constant safety practices.


The well-being of our employees is a fundamental priority. Consequently, we integrate, promote and apply safety protocols in all our operations and activities to avoid any type of accident.

In this line of action, HMC is the first company in the sector to be certified by Mutual de Seguridad in the northern region of Chile, in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System category.

Furthermore, to prevent accidents from happening, we have designed and implemented prevention strategies based on theory and learning from action drills and exercises for cases of potentially serious or fatal accidents, in order to advance to our “Road to Zero Harm”.

Additionally, we work to empower and give, our workers and employees as well as contractors, confidence in their right and commitment to stop any work taking place at the site that does not comply with safety requirements, thus generating, promoting and entrenching a safety culture as a baseline for working relationships.

During the year 2022, the company reduced the accident frequency rate by 14% and the severity rate by 48%, with no records of serious or fatal accidents. During 2023, our efforts have been focused in reducing the number of injuries using training and learning mechanisms.


Respect for life is a non-negotiable value and as well one of our main purposes in our “Road to Zero Harm 2023-2025”. In this line, we have specific goals set forth by the Ministry of Health of Chile (Implementation of Protocols and Technical Guides) where some of the following health risks are considered: silica dust exposure, noise exposure, acid mist, UV radiation, manual handling of cargo, upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial risks, among others.

Patrimonial Security

HMC bases its patrimonial security in the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR). The application of these standards makes the company´s operations safe, protecting and respecting workers and employees’ rights, labor regulations as well as behavior and security in the mine site.

Industrial safety is based in the values and ethical and integrity commitments declared in our Corporate Identity Policy and specifically in our Human Rights Policy.

Emergency and crisis plan

HMC has an Emergency and Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan that ensures the execution of adequate and timely actions in the unlikely possibility of emergencies and/or accidents that involve serious or fatal injuries, environmental harm, technological collapse or disturbances of natural or human origin.

The company has specialized teams and equipment, such as the Emergency Brigade, the Health Care Polyclinic at the mine site and industrial protection elements which are permanently evaluated and updated.

We have also established strategic alliances and joint work with emergency brigades from neighboring mine sites such as Antucoya, Centinela Muelle and the Fire Department of the city of Mejillones.